Yani Molina

Birth & Postpartum Doula

I believe every woman deserves the best care and support, and I am committed to advocating for them and empowering them through this beautiful journey. I feel honored to share in this amazing season with mothers and growing families.


From a very young age, caring for people, especially my loved ones, has always been a priority and a huge part of my life. Being the eldest girl of a large extended Filipino family of 24+ siblings and cousins, I have always felt a matriarchal duty to watch over and care for them. I remember by the age of ten, watching over five of my younger cousins during the summer while their parents worked. Eventually, I used these skills to babysit other kids, work in a childcare facility as an Arts teacher and then I was lucky enough to birth two of my own.

After having a doula for the birth of my daughter in 2012, I knew I had found my calling. Her birth was far from easy but with the support and care of my doula, I was still able to leave feeling loved and empowered by my experience. In 2016, two years after my son was born, I decided to follow that desire and become a doula through The Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations at Bastyr. I was excited to jump right in and support women, close friends and mothers from Open Arms through their pregnancies, births and postpartum. Unfortunately, in 2018 my son was diagnosed with Leukemia and everything was put on hold. Caring for a child with cancer is unlike anything I’ve known but the root of it is always the same. Loving and unconditional support. During his three years of treatment, I found myself spending time organizing for homes and businesses. Eventually, this turned into a flexible business where I could help families and soon-to-be mothers create spaces of peace and simplicity through systems and organization. Five years after his diagnosis, he is now a survivor and cancer-free. And I have found myself back where I was meant to be.

I am a true Seattle native, born and raised.  I live with my husband, Michael, our two children Diaz and Maceo, and our sweet dog Chica. I love being surrounded by family, thrifting, sitting at the ocean, cooking for friends, going to basketball games, camping and trying new restaurants!  

I believe every mother deserves the best care and support and I am committed to advocating for them and empowering them through this momentous and life-changing time. Being by their side during this transition is very exciting and I feel honored to be a part of it.

What Her Clients say
Yani was really wonderful as our doula. This was our first delivery and meeting ahead of time with Yani really put my mind at ease. She walked us through our birth plan options and ways to prepare mentally and physically. My birthing experience didn’t go exactly as planned (ended up needing an unplanned c-section), but Yani was there every step of the way to provide the support and care that I needed.
Jessica Rubenacker
If you are lucky enough to work with Yani, you will quickly realize that she is one of the most exceptional people you will ever meet. I first learned about post partum doulas during an internet search at 3am as I was holding my 4 week old and significantly struggling to keep it together. I needed help.

Yani is a true lifeline.

She intuitively knows what to do and how to help. I could never thank her enough for the invaluable support she provided me and my son - especially during a time of profound vulnerability and despair. Three months ago, I didn’t know how I would handle life with a child; let alone think about going back to work. I was living in 2 hour increments and everything was a struggle.

We quickly realized we needed Yani more than just a couple days here and there.Yani’s support not only meant that I could get rest, walk my dog or take a shower, but it gave me confidence in caring for my newborn. By watching and talking with Yani, I learned so much. I was better able to swaddle my son (Yani’s swaddle is just so on point!), give him the rest he needed by identifying when he was tired, console him better, play, etc.

We will dearly miss not seeing Yani every week, but we take comfort in knowing that her professionalism, kindness, confidence and skill have left a lasting impact on me and my son. She is the reason my son and I are thriving today.

Anyone is truly lucky to work with Yani.
Anelga Doumanian